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Croatia - Serbia cross-border programme







Projekti -> Environment Forum

In-country Preparatory Meeting Report



Please use for reporting and send back to the EF Team not later than 2 weeks after the meeting

Attachment 1: Meeting Agenda

Attachment 2: List of participants (photocopy/scan)




Submitting NGO/country:

Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development- CEKOR


Report author:

Nataša Đereg


Date and place of the Preparatory Meeting (PM):

27.05.2010, Belgrade, Leonardo Center, Kraljice Natalije 21


Number of participants:



Stake-holders participation (tick if you had any):

x NGOs from the country

x EC Delegation representatives

x Ministries and government

x Business (public enterprise Roads Serbia)

Ԕ Academia

Ԕ Other (pls. Specify):...................................................






What was the meeting evaluation of the way how the environmental acquis is implemented in your country and which recommendations for further progress were pointed out?

During the meeting NGOs evaluated there are poor implementation of environmental acquis in following: Strategic environmental impact assessment for large energy infrastructure projects, lack of transparency and public participation in decisions related to energy sector. Also, there is no available information on the any of the cases of transboundary EIA in Serbia- although there are cross border and near border projects in which the environmental NGOs might be interested and Serbia affected party. EIAs need to include climate change assessments as well. There are no adequate capacities on a local level administration to implement environmental legislation, especially as related to biodiversity conservation.

There is lack of capacities in Ministry for Mining and Energy to develop plans and programs for renewable energy, there is still no plan for energy efficiency (national), so climate change issues are very poorly assessed

Recommendations: responsible ministries to use their web sites more to inform general public about their activities, procedures and documents, better cooperation with NGOs, developing capacities of local level administration as well as NGOs

CEKOR will draft position letter on the local level administration and NGOs: capacities, possibilities for cooperation, IPA projects and subsidies for NGOs etc, and will distribute to env. network in Serbia


Did you discuss/select specific cases you want to bring into attention during the meeting the Environment Forum Annual Meeting (e.g., particular policies, programs, projects)?

New Spatial Plan for Serbia                                                                                   

Energy investment plan

Transport master plan and investment plan

Stara Planina investment plan

Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity


Please select up to 3 themes you would include into the annual meeting agenda:


Ԕ Theme 1 (pls. Specify): Public participation in decision making related to energy sector investments and strategies- Public participation also in biodiversity issues- involvement of the civil sector in decision making is low- government authorities usually do not consult NGOs for important plans and strategies related to both energy and biodiversity. Implementation of EIAs and SEAs, as well as ESPOO Convention

Ԕ Theme 2 (pls. Specify): Lack of capacities of the local self government units to implement environmental acquis, lack of capacities of environmental NGOs, partnerships required

Ԕ Theme 3 (pls. Specify): Infrastructure planning, Natura 2000 development


What are the most crucial problems in this stage of the EU enlargement process discussed at the meeting you would like to have reflected in the annual meeting with the EC?

The most crucial problems in this stage are:

Lack of proper consultations and public participation procedures in environmental legislation drafting, as well as in environmental decision making - no SEA process for developing certain plans and programs in energy sector, transport sector, no transboundary EIA procedure information and involvement of interested public- lack of proper consultations in Infrastructure investments programs (energy and transport)

lack of transparency, weak environmental inspectorate


Do you have any other issues/comments or suggestions from the in-country preparatory meeting we should use in the annual meeting preparation?


Better outreach to government representatives. More information on this process and early notices from the side of EU to relevant government representatives.




Did you face any obstacles and barriers to organise the meeting?

Few wanted speakers were unable to come due to busy schedule, and also other speakers mostly confirmed their participation only after several phone calls, shortly before the meeting.


How would you evaluate the involvement of governmental representatives and other stakeholders?

Involvement of governmental representatives was not satisfactory, as they all left after they had their presentations/ NGOs need true dialogue on important issues, not lectures!


Where would you like to see more involvement and/or inputs from Environment Forum concerning the PMs?

To provide venue from side of EU Delegation in Serbia for the PM, and involvement in meeting discussion


Any other comment or information you think may be relevant for next PMs:





CEKOR je zajedno sa svojim partnerima u okviru projekta "Ka Zajednicama koje recikliraju u Osječko baranjskoj županiji i Severno-bačkom okrugu" podneo komentare na Studiju o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu za Projekat SKLADIŠTA za privremeno skladištenje opasnog otpada u Subotici. Nakon održane javne rasprave, naši komentari su uvaženi te je Studija vraćena nazad nosiocu projekta na izmene i dopune, te se očekuje da preduzeće DRA group iz Subotice otkloni sve nedoumice u pogledu ozbiljne opasnosti ovog projekta po zdravlje ljudi i životnu sredinu u izmenjenoj i dopunjenoj Studiji.

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